MSc Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics

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Price: 4494 EUR 4494 EUR
Contact Lomonosov Moscow State University

More details about the program


The Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University (CMC MSU) was founded in 1970. The world famous mathematician Andrey Nikolaevich Tikhonov was the founder and the first Dean of the Faculty in 1970 1990. In 1990 1999, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Dmitry Pavlovich Kostomarov was the second Dean of the Faculty. Since 1999, Academician of RAS Evgeny Ivanovich Moiseev has been the Dean of the Faculty. CMC MSU is a unique place for study, research, and collaboration. The Faculty is targeted on preparing elite specialists in Applied Mathematics, Informatics, and Computer Sciences. CMC MSU departments incorporate a broad range of curricular and research interests. The diverse selection of majors enables students to gain in-depth knowledge, acquire practical skills and professional competencies while developing an understanding of the broad reach of the discipline.

Specific details

Category of Education Physical Science, Chemistr


Russian Federation
Leninskiye Gory, Moskva

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