Master of Physics

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Price: 519 EUR 519 EUR
Contact Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium


In this programme, you will acquire knowledge in fundamental physics, material sciences, nanosciences and computational methods. Moreover, you will gain various competences through the advanced practicals and workshops proposed within the programme, all beneficial for your future professional activities. This Master of Science programme is built upon the following standpoints: Progress in nanoscience and nanotechnology can only be made after detailed understanding of underlying fundamental nanophysics. Proper training in nanophysics, preparatory for R&D work in nanotechnology, requires a period of two years. Proper training in nanophysics demands access to different visions and different approaches even within same topics. To comprise the above goals, our courses in fundamental nanophysics and its applications in material science are organised in a full, two-year master programme, in collaboration with several other scientific institutions.

Specific details

Category of Education Physical Science
Sectors Professional, scientific and technical activities
Classification Other professional, scientific and technical activities


Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium

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