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Price: 1043 EUR 1043 EUR
Contact 6-8 avenue Blaise-Pascal Cité Descartes, 77455 Champs-sur-Marne, Marne-la-Vallée, France


The engineering program at École des Ponts ParisTech prepares all students to play a future role in sustainable development and spatial planning in all its dimensions. Objectives: education, research, international and corporate experience.

Graduate engineers from École des Ponts ParisTech are recognized by companies for their high scientific caliber combined with their ability to put their knowledge and plans into practice.

  • A rigorous scientific and technical education: the ability to understand and implement conceptual, mathematical or digital modelling approaches, and at the same time to critically assess the results of a model, is one of the fundamentals of the engineer’s role and is instilled through education at the School. 
  • Training through projects and in the field: starting from the first year, students jointly or individually develop a wide range of projects increasingly related to the engineer’s real-world role. For students who enroll in the 1st year, the curriculum will be punctuated by four laboratory and company-based internships.
  • Managerial, human, and social skills: the humanities and social sciences are an integral part of the curriculum from the first year onwards, giving students a knowledge of the world and an ability to understand societal issues. A robust familiarity with the corporate world is developed through classes, internships and projects.

The ability to work in teams and internationally: 20% of teaching time is dedicated to languages. International stays and contact with many foreign students prepare student engineers to work in a multicultural context.
I joined the School through the common examination. What I liked first of all were the year groups, which are human in scale. This enables the students to bond more quickly, which means that we get better responses and guidance in all the projects we develop. I joined the Civil and Structural Engineering Department and following the dual engineering and architecture curriculum, which is virtually the only course of its kind in France. Next year, I am planning to do an internship in New York. Alongside my studies, I am also involved in voluntary activities and sports, which are very extensive at the School. That was another important factor in my choice. I belong to the Students’ Union, take part in the various sports weekends, and continue to play rugby.

Clément Davy,  2013 year group


The engineering program takes three years: a first year on the core curriculum and two years of specialization (Masters program). Some students go directly into the second year or into a specific program: this is the integrated additional program. 


The School offers students who joined in the 1st year, following the common entrance examination or admission on application, the possibility of taking a 3rd year in another institution, in France or abroad. This is an opportunity for students to firm up their training plans, whether by looking to move onto a specialization, a new direction, or a combined skill; it is also an opportunity to enjoy new experiences, different countries, or other kinds of teaching.

For this purpose, the School has established numerous links with prestigious institutions: 32 international double degree agreements, agreements with other ParisTech schools, a double curriculum with HEC Paris, and with the Cachan École normale supérieure, the possible to train at the Collège des ingénieurs, at the École des Ponts Business School, and many other options.

Students also have the possibility of applying to universities in English-speaking countries, outside the double degree agreements, and every year there are students who attend institutions such as Berkeley, Stanford, MIT, the London School of Economics, Imperial College, or EPFL.

Students who joined in the 1st or 2nd year can also go down the research track through Masters degrees offered by the School jointly with the big universities in the Paris region, or follow the School’s combined engineering and urban planning curriculum.


Once you have finished your degree at the School, you have access to a wide range of sectors: employment opportunities are particularly fluid. Almost 70% of graduates have already found their first job  before leaving the School, essentially through an internship or the end of course project. 

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  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.- 01 64 15 39 45


6-8 avenue Blaise-Pascal Cité Descartes, 77455 Champs-sur-Marne, Marne-la-Vallée, France

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