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Price: 5198 EUR 5198 EUR
Contact Sauletekio al. 11, Vilnius , 10223, Vilnius, Lithuania


Since 1956 VGTU Faculty of Electronics prepares specialists and conducts research in this area of ​​science. Currently, the faculty has 3 departments: Electrical Engineering, Electronic Systems, Computer Engineering and Communication Technologies, 2 Laboratories: Electronics and Micro and Nanoelectronics Systems Design and Research Laboratory, and 2 institutes: Institute of Strong Magnetic Fields, Institute of Telecommunications . The goal of the faculty is to provide students with high-quality technical education, to promote research and development activities, to provide employees with continuing education opportunities. The main values ​​are the quality of science and studies, application of new technologies, expression of entrepreneurship as an expression of creativity and social responsibility, The faculty collaborates with business and academic partners in Lithuania and abroad. Students and lecturers have the opportunity to study and participate in academic exchange programs under the EU ERASMUS, bilateral and multilateral academic co-operation programs. The overall goal of the study programs is to train highly qualified specialists capable of developing new processes, services or products that can compete and adapt to changing labor market conditions or the needs of society. It is being developed through the formation of a suitable social environment that provides students with the skills to develop leadership, teamwork, self-confidence.

Specific details

Category of Education Technology and Engineering, Computer Sciense and IT
Sectors Other service activities
Classification Other personal service activities


Sauletekio al. 11, Vilnius , 10223, Vilnius, Lithuania

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