Paradigms of Computer Programming – Abstraction and Concurrency

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Price: 309 EUR 309 EUR
Contact Université catholique de Louvain

More details about the program


Louv1.2x and its predecessor Louv1.1x together give an introduction to all major programming concepts, techniques, and paradigms in a unified framework. We cover the three main programming paradigms: functional, object-oriented, and declarative dataflow. The two courses are targeted toward people with a basic knowledge of programming. It will be most useful to beginning programming students, but the unconventional approach should be insightful even to seasoned professionals. Louv1.1x (Fundamentals) covers functional programming, its techniques and its data structures. You’ll use simple formal semantics for all concepts, and see those concepts illustrated with practical code that runs on the accompanying open-source platform, the Mozart Programming System. Louv1.2x (Abstraction and Concurrency) covers data abstraction, state, and concurrency. You’ll learn the four ways to do data abstraction and discuss the trade-offs between objects and abstract data types. You’ll be exposed to deterministic dataflow, the most useful paradigm for concurrent programming, and learn how it avoids race conditions. To learn more about the practical organization of the two courses, watch the introductory video.

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Category of Education Computer Sciense and IT

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