Competitive Strategy and Organization Design

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Price: 8504 EUR 8504 EUR
Contact Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

More details about the program


Paired with humorous elements and illustrating examples, the Competitive Strategy and Organization Design specialization is the ideal choice for curious individuals who enjoy unique learning experiences and innovative teaching approaches. Its style is likely to appeal especially to young, middle-aged and young-at-heart learners. The specialization is indended for learners interested in engaging in fundamental theories and concepts of strategy and organization and applying these to practice. Employed professionals and management students will benefit from deepening and refreshing their existing knowledge by means of our specialization. Learners with non-business backgrounds will gain valuable additional business insights complementing their existing knowledge. Participants will learn to understand and analyze ● behavior of organizations in situations in which strategic decisions are interdependent ● strategies to build up and maintain a customer base ● internal workings of an organization as well as its interaction with the outside world, i.e. partners, complementors and competitors ● the design of an effective organization that can compete, grow and adjust flexibly to different environments This specialization is the only online learning program in which students can learn and laugh at the same time. That said, we are looking forward to learning and laughing with you!

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Category of Education Business and Economics


LMU Munich

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