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Price: 7585 EUR 7585 EUR
Contact 1400 R Street, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68588, United States


Students are also able to participate in interdisciplinary studies through the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Center for Materials and Nanoscience, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Center for Biotechnology, the University of Nebraska Center for Environmental Toxicology, and the University of Nebraska Cancer Center. The latter two programs run jointly between the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the University of Nebraska Medical Center. The graduate program features a "Research First" approach where the focus is research-intensive in place of a coursework intensive focus the first year of study. Graduate students have the opportunity to experience research in action by selecting and joining rotation research groups their first year while also participating in some coursework. The department is the sole occupant of Hamilton Hall, a modern nine-story building containing lecture halls, research and teaching labs, full-time glassblowing and electronics shops, a variety of modern research instrumentation, and the Nebraska Center for Mass Spectrometry.

Specific details

Category of Education Chemistry


United States of America
1400 R Street, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68588, United States

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