Biological Science - Genetics

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Price: 7178 EUR 7178 EUR
Contact Brazil
Rua da Reitoria 374, térreo, Cidade Universitá, Butantã, Sao Paulo, 05508-220, Brazil


The objectives of the graduate program are to advance the education of university teachers and to prepare researchers and professionals specialized in various subareas of Genetics, according to the research areas of the teachers that compose our teaching staff. The laboratories in which the students of their research are well equipped, and they are widely used by students and professors from other graduate programs who wish to implant in their universities research techniques that are in use in the Genetics Department of the University of São Paulo Ribeirao Black Medical School. Candidates for a Master's degree in Genetics are expected to become well prepared for teaching; to this end, the students take courses that encompass the major areas of genetics. Doctoral candidates are expected to take more specialized courses that they have to do with their line of research and in other areas relevant to their research project. Our program accepts students who have undergraduate degrees in one of the biological sciences (biologists, agronomists, medical doctors, veterinarians, animal science professionals, pharmacists, biochemists, etc.). A medical degree is required for those who seek a degree in Medical Genetics.

Specific details

Category of Education Medicine and Healthcare, Life Science and Biology
Sectors Human health and social work, Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Classification Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities
Human health activities


Brazil Rua da Reitoria 374, térreo, Cidade Universitá, Butantã, Sao Paulo, 05508-220, Brazil

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