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Price: 5272 EUR 5272 EUR
Contact Piazza Pugliatti, 1, Messina , 98122, Sicilia, Italy


Course programinorder - Binary search trees: definition, operations (insert, delete, search) - Python implementation of trees using dictionaries - Binary heaps: max-heap, min-heap, insert / remove elements, Python heapq module - Graphs: definitions, data structures (edge ​​list, adjacency list, adjacency matrix). Exploration of a graph (in depth and in breadth). Minimum paths from single source: Dijkstra algorithm. Minimum coverage trees: Prim-Jarnik and Kruskal algorithms. - Python implementation using dictionaries 4. Sorting - Heapsort - Quicksort - Linear sorting: counting sort - Computational cost of the sorting algorithms. inserting / removing elements, Python heapq module - Graphs: definitions, data structures (edge ​​list, adjacency list, adjacency matrix). Exploration of a graph (in depth and in breadth). Minimum paths from single source: Dijkstra algorithm. Minimum coverage trees: Prim-Jarnik and Kruskal algorithms. - Python implementation using dictionaries 4. Sorting - Heapsort - Quicksort - Linear sorting: counting sort - Computational cost of the sorting algorithms. inserting / removing elements, Python heapq module - Graphs: definitions, data structures (edge ​​list, adjacency list, adjacency matrix). Exploration of a graph (in depth and in breadth). Minimum paths from single source: Dijkstra algorithm. Minimum coverage trees: Prim-Jarnik and Kruskal algorithms. - Python implementation using dictionaries 4. Sorting - Heapsort - Quicksort - Linear sorting: counting sort - Computational cost of the sorting algorithms.

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Category of Education Computer Sciense and IT
Sectors Other service activities
Classification Other personal service activities


Piazza Pugliatti, 1, Messina , 98122, Sicilia, Italy

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