agrarian trade and marketing

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Price: 640 EUR 640 EUR
Contact Slovakia
Šafárikovo námestie 6, Bratislava , 814 99, Bratislava, Slovakia


The field of study includes knowledge related to the basic economic regularities of the movement and exchange of economic values, the behavior of individual elements of economic systems, the organization of the creation, distribution and consumption of economic goods, and with the help of the effective use of qualitative and quantitative methods, solutions are proposed for national economic and specific economic and managerial situations. in which the interaction of the use of intangible and material components in the process of economic decision-making and rational behavior is manifested, while respecting the regional and national peculiarities of economic systems and in the context of the international economic environment. The supporting topics of the knowledge core of the study field include in the field of economics 1. basic principles of economic thinking – macroeconomic and microeconomic regularities of the functioning of the economic system and its components, on a national and international scale, with interaction on economic policy, regional, national and international political and economic relations, 2. national and international economic environment and its functioning laws, from the level of economic entities, industries and sectors, regional and national economies to level of international economic and economic communities, with regard to effective legislation, 3. collection and evaluation of economic information, qualitative and quantitative methods of evaluating the current state, historical development and forecast of the economic system, its individual components and transactions carried out, in the field of management 1. the starting points of strategic, tactical and operational management in the regional, national and international environment - respecting the functions of management, the legal form of the economic entity and the regularity of the functioning of its individual functional components, 2. identification, analysis, creation and implementation of solutions to management problems in individual functional areas of the economic entity and subsequent evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of management activities, 3. creation, organization, development and evaluation of material, technical, technological, goods, business, personnel, information, financial and other flows of an economic entity, in constantly changing conditions of the sectoral, regional, national and international environment. The supporting topics of the knowledge core of the study field reflect current trends in individual areas of the study field, the requirements of economic practice, knowledge about social responsibility, sustainability, ethics, ecological behavior and support the development of critical and entrepreneurial thinking.

Specific details

Category of Education Life Science and Biology
Sectors Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Classification Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities, Fishing and aquaculture


Slovakia Šafárikovo námestie 6, Bratislava , 814 99, Bratislava, Slovakia

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